Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sweeteners: Periodic Sweeteners

Check out this really cool Periodic Table for natural and artificial sweeteners below:

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hang Son Doong

I think that we take this magical planet and all of its beauty for granted. The below video should hopefully inspire you to get off the couch and go outside any chance you get. Enjoy
Hang Son Doong from Ryan Deboodt on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sleep Smarter Book Review

I learned about Shawn Stevenson and his book, Sleep Smarter: 21 Proven Tips to Sleep Your Way To a Better Body, Better Health and Bigger Success  when he was invited as guest on Onnits Total Human Optimization Podcast. In his book, Shawn points out some of the many reasons why sleep is important and gives tips on how you can optimize it. Some of the tips given were obvious but others forced me to really evaluate some of my own nightly rituals (like drinking coffee in the evening).

Some of the Side effects from lack of sleep:

  • Encourages Depression and Heart Disease
  • Reduction of Glucose to the Brain
  • Stress
  • Less Creativity

Some of the Benefits of better sleep quality:

  • Improves brain Function
  • Increases Physical Energy
  • Boosts Metabolism

By following the tips, I was able to improve my overall sleep quality and lessen the amount of times I woke up throughout the night. Getting a solid 8+ hours a night has made a huge impact on my daily family, fitness and work life. I think the book is a must read that's full of some "duh, no shit" tips but also many advanced tips. 

Still not convinced you need to get your ass more hours in the bed? Check out these other articles on sleep:
Sleep Loss=Weight Gain
Coffee doesn’t give you energy, it just fools your brain into thinking it isn’t tired

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Holstee Manifesto: Live Your Life

There isn't much to be said here. Live your LIFE. Do what you LOVE. Check out the video below:

Monday, February 16, 2015

Video Games: The Movie

Recently, I came across Video Games: The Movie after watching another documentary on Netflix and I wanted to share my thoughts on this movie. I rated this movie an overall 8 on IMDB because I thought it was more than just a documentary about history of video games. It discusses the struggles that the industry and companies went through before it became what it is today. Its an inspiring movie about overcoming obstacles in life.